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Woofer Replacement Tool

Use this tool to search our database of hundreds of woofers in order to locate the driver that we feel will be the best replacement for your beloved speaker system. All fields are optional, but the more information you can provide the more accurate the results will be.

For use replacing woofers in nearly any speaker system.

Step 1: Measure your existing speaker cabinet

These are the external dimensions of your speaker cabinet, which will allow us to calculate the internal speaker volume. This is then compared to the driver specifications to select drivers built to perform correctly in a speaker cabinet of this size.

Step 2: Select enclosure type

Does your speaker have a vent, port, or slot? If your speaker has one, this will usually look like an empty tube with an opening on the front or back of your speaker like the image shown.

Vented or Sealed (non-vented) cabinets have different volume specifications for the same drivers, so this is an important distinction for accurate performance quality.

Is your speaker cabinet vented?

Step 3: Measure the woofer size

Measure the overall diameter of the woofer that you want to replace, then select the diameter below that best matches your woofer.

For example: If your woofer measures 6‑1/4" overall diameter, you would select the 6‑1/2" option.

Step 4: Select the system‘s impedance

The impedance can usually be found on the back of the speaker system, or labeled on the woofer itself. Common impedances are 4 ohm, 6 ohm, or 8 ohms.

Step 5: Select the power handling

The maximum power handling, or wattage, is usually indicated on the speaker system. Occasionally it may be labeled on the woofer. Some research may be needed to understand the power requirements of your replacement woofer.

If you are unsure of your speaker’s power handling, just leave this field blank.